How To Participate in Our Current Research - Teachers and Parents
We would like to invite parents and teachers to participate in our research. We will be
conducting focus groups via Zoom in February and March of 2024.
For teachers:
To establish how teachers currently identify and manage aspects of mind-wandering in the first two years of school, focus groups will be held for primary school teachers (PSTs) in NI in parallel to focus groups in the ROI. PSTs must currently be teaching the relevant classes. Please see see poster below. To express your interest, scan the QR code or click here .
For parents:
Correspondingly, to investigate how parents/caregivers view and manage their children’s mind-wandering in relation to school tasks, focus groups will be held in parallel for parents in NI and in the ROI. Parents/caregivers must currently have a child in the relevant age range. Please see see poster below. To express your interest, scan the QR code or click here .